Sunday, November 29, 2009

God is Waiting for You to Trust Him

There was a time back in the 1950's when a person could stand in line at the grocery store and say, "God bless you," when someone would sneeze. No one would think a thing about it, because it was just common nature to say, "God bless you." These days are a different story. If you say, "God bless you," you might be looked down on in a bad way. It's really a shame when you think about it. Sad.

I am a Christian and proud of Christ in me. I am proud for what He does through me, and I am proud for what He does not do through me. For instance, with Christ in me, I am a more honest human being. I tell the truth, give money back when I've been overpaid, and I never take what's not earned by me. Another thing, God has done for me is compassion for the poor. I can't pass one of those bell ringers without feeling like I should drop a buck in or whatever spare change that I may be carrying.

Some things that God has not done for me is that He makes me learn through mistakes. Yeah.. I am a Christian, but I am not perfect by all means. I still make mistakes; I am forgiven for them, but I still have to learn what I did wrong and make it right by God. The bible says that the righteous need to repent for their sins and turn away from them.
True repentance is turning away from the sin, not toward the sin and doing what has been done wrong again. No, no, no; true repentance is accepting what has been done as wrong, asking God to forgive you, then turning away "abruptly" from that sin.
God is so good all the time. No matter what you have done in the past, No matter where you have been, God loves you. There is no sin too big that God can't forgive you of. He's been there all the time; waiting, watching, and wanting to be a part of your life.

Won't you let Him in?